Mind Mentor LLC
Embark on a Journey of Self-Awareness

Enhance your self-awareness by mastering the art of monitoring your internal reactions and self-talk. Gain insight into your own biases, opinions, and expectations, and discover how they influence your everyday interactions. Explore our tools and insights for deeper self-awareness, reflection, and authenticity.

About Us

MindMentor LLC is dedicated to fostering self-awareness, facilitating deep reflection, and strengthening authenticity in the adoptee community and beyond. We specialize in offering individual and group cognitive-behavioral techniques, trauma-informed mentoring, and life coaching services. Utilizing the power of Artificial Intelligence, we create innovative tools, programs, and resources designed for advanced focus, clarity, and deep introspection. Our approach emphasizes critical thinking, mindfulness, and psychoanalytic reflection, revealing ego-driven biases and defense mechanisms while guiding individuals on a transformative journey inwards. Our resources are tailored to provide more objective perspectives and promote an authentic lifestyle, leading to a higher quality of being. MindMentor LLC is committed to supporting your personal growth and self-discovery, empowering you to achieve mental well-being and holistic self-improvement



In our 1:1 coaching and counseling, engaging in advanced awareness is the intentional exploration of one’s cognitive, somatic, and transcendent realms, fostering genuine self-understanding and guiding transformative personal growth within the context of the world we all live in.


Reflection navigates between objective reality and personal interpretations. Influenced by external forces, individuals mask authentic selves with subconscious facades. Through analysis, using Artifical Intelligence, distortions are revealed, urging a shift from superficiality to genuine self-understanding amidst the shadowy gears of consciousness.


Authenticity, central to coaching and counseling, aligns actions, beliefs, and feelings. Through guidance, individuals confront societal pressures, embracing genuine self-awareness across cognitive, somatic, and transcendent realms. This journey, supported by professionals, illuminates a path to deeper self-alignment, presence and transformative personal growth.

Adoptee Education & Support

Empower your adoption journey with our CBT Self-Awareness Coaching, led by an experienced CBT coach and a compassionate, adoptee-affirming counseling student. Explore identity, resilience, relationships, and self-growth in a safe, understanding space. Start your transformative journey today.

Our Services

Mind Analysis & Action Plan

The Mind Analysis Action Plan (MAAP) is a scientifically grounded approach designed to accelerate personal growth, self-awareness, and authenticity. It's a process that transcends traditional therapy, using Artificial Intelligence, offering deep insights into mental health, anxiety, stress, and the mind's core issues.

Clarity Mentoring & 3 Month Program

Engage in 1:1 mentoring and explore techniques for self-reflection that reveal cognitive biases and cognitive distortions for personal growth.

Mental Health Courses (Coming Soon)

Personalized mental health courses (coming soon) to align your life with authenticity and purpose, focusing on self-actualization, mindfulness, ego-work, trauma, CBT and self-awareness.  

Our Blog

Contact Us

Reach out to us for any inquiries, support, or collaboration. We’re here to assist you on your journey towards self-awareness, reflection, and authenticity.

The Impact of Insight

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Hi, my name is Virgie and I started working with Alex this past spring. I came across his services after finding his Voices of the adopted program on Instagram. I was very drawn to his mind mentor program after he reached out and explained how he had a holistic approach with personalized solutions. I have struggled for many years with feelings of unworthiness, fear of being alone, and the trauma of being adopted. Lacking confidence and the inability to handle situations that left me questing if I'm worth loving plagued my mind, and hindered my heart and happiness. Physically I was also faced with stress, anxiety, and the inability to let things go. These obstacles led me to make poor life decisions, feelings of loneliness, anger, and constantly dwelling on the past. When I started working with Alex he told me about how he would be doing a full analysis of my mind through one on one online sessions so that he could prepare tools to help me understand why my brain and body were functioning the way they were. His education, personal experience of being an Adoptee, and holistic approach have been amazingly helpful. I have come to understand that the brain and body when stuck in trauma and flight or fight mode are not able to work together. This creates an array of issues. Learning what triggers those issues and finding solutions to cope and work through them has been eye-opening. Learning about how to work through my thoughts, feelings, and responses has played a major role in my healing so I could start to learn how to use my experiences as stepping stones of insight instead of allowing my emotions to propel fear-driven decisions. This has been the biggest lesson for me. Alex works to teach an understanding of authenticity within ourselves and also those we want relationships with. We worked on learning how to teach me to be comfortable with who I am. The good and the bad. He showed me how working on healing and loving myself is how to keep the negative impact of my past from impacting my current relationships over and over. It's very uncomfortable to grow, face pain, and deal with traumatic things. But he showed me if I don't I will inevitably create opportunities for negative, abusive, and self-destructive behavior to continuously enter into my life. Learning to understand that feelings aren't facts has been such a positive change in my mindset. He helped me come to terms with understanding that I didn't deserve the things that happen to me. And just because my life started hard, parts of my story are unfair and tragic but those situations do not mean it has to be the only story of my life. I do not have to be a victim of abandonment, and pain. I know I still have quite the journey ahead of me but I now have a more positive mindset and outlook and the confidence with the knowledge and tools he provided to help me cultivate solutions I can use daily to work through my feelings and start on a path of healthier living. I highly recommend working with Alex whether or not you are adopted to help you find solutions so that you too can create a healthier mind and body.
Brayden Holtz
Brayden Holtz
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Alex's Self-Mind Analysis proved to be an incredibly beneficial self-reflective tool, enabling me to delve deeper into my past, my current situation, and my aspirations. Initially, I found the tool itself to be immensely valuable, but Alex went above and beyond. Not only did he review the analysis, but he also crafted a comprehensive report and action plan, providing the most detailed assessment of myself I have ever encountered. The accuracy of his insights moved me to tears, as no one has ever understood me so well. Remarkably, he achieved this level of understanding from just one story I shared with him, which was less than a page in length. If you are seeking a cost-effective alternative to therapy or life coaching sessions for gaining an objective perspective on your fundamental issues and how to address them, I wholeheartedly endorse investing in Alex's Mind Analysis Summary & Action Plan.
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The insight provided by the Mind analysis was incredible. The best part about it is that it allows me to focus on specific areas for improvement. I also appreciate that it gives me a bigger picture view of everything, allowing me to take more control of my life. I believe the mind analysis is invaluable and beneficial for anyone, including therapists and life coaches. Alex did an amazing job creating something unique, invaluable, and personalized. The one-on-one with Alex made it even better, as it made me feel accountable and cared for. I would say that this report is equivalent to about 6-10 therapy sessions, providing a thorough and in-depth review of my mind. It is not only simple and clear to follow, but also helps kickstart the client's healing process. I have even recommended it to several friends going through similar issues. Our meditation sessions have also helped me stay grounded so much. This was not like therapy at all, which I really enjoyed!
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The Mind Analysis product was incredibly beneficial. Alex has a talent for delving into the deeper aspects of things and thinking outside the box. Personally, I thought I was already aware of my patterns and tendencies, but Alex's mind analysis helped me make larger connections in my life that I hadn't even considered. The most valuable part was realizing that I need to forgive myself, something I had never really considered before. Despite my efforts to improve, I do tend to seek external validation and constantly aim to please others. Alex pointed out that my concept of love was based solely on being attractive and seeking external validation. He graciously pointed out that I had lost connection with my soul and my ability to connect with other souls. After reading that specific line, I reflected on the relationships in my life and came to understand that it is indeed true. I also appreciate how Alex compiled a list of strengths, which helps the reader understand their own skills. To be honest, there is nothing I didn't like about this analysis, I loved every bit of it! I wholeheartedly believe other therapists and life coaches should use his service as a white label service. To truly understand a person, it is important to understand their mind and how it developed in the first place. I don’t think I could have received this level of service anywhere else! Alex offers a very unique perspective on life and I believe this mind analysis is unparalleled. I would say it was at least equivalent to 8-10 therapy or life coaching sessions.
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I cried while reading the report. It was incredibly helpful, reminiscent of my therapy sessions, but now I feel more clarity and self-awareness. I appreciate everything about it as I navigate my path and seek the light. Despite considering "relationship" a priority due to my trauma and toxic history, I now realize it's not as crucial as truly loving myself. This insight wouldn't have been possible without the report. It should have been more expensive! I had been searching for a product like this for a long time but couldn't find it anywhere else. I had seven months of counseling (one session per week), and the therapist didn't provide an answer like this report did; he kept the answer to himself. Alex always inspires me with his words and actions. I will now strive to be the best version of myself, and his quote will become my life's motto: "Self-awareness is a lifestyle that enables us to learn how to reflect and react to our suffering in a way that teaches ourselves and others the wisdom of existence."
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Alex really made me consider things I never would have on my own.... For years, I struggled with the "Why" of how I acted and behaved... why was I the way I was? I didn't necessarily want therapy, I just wanted converstions that could help me quickly understand myself more. Our conversations went deep, and it's stuck with me. His help with self-realization still resonates with me years later. I still think about it today and it is wild!
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Being a coach and a guide myself, and having multiple coaches myself, I can confidently say this was indeed the the most powerful sessions that I've ever had and I am extremely happy that I chose you as my mentor and feel relieved that genuine mentors like you exist. It restores my faith in humanity. Your process has honestly changed my mind about what exactly mentoring and coaching should be. You dealt with me exactly how I needed. I wish I met you a lot lot earlier in my life.You were an amazing mix of kind and strict at the same time to accommodate my concerns. They way you have addressed every minute detail is commendable.  You genuinely build confidence in me and worked on my weak areas to convert them into strengths. I haven't come across a mentor so selfless. You literally coax a conversation that was healing. You do an amazing job of removing people like me from cages and make us experience freedom! Thank you so much once again for being you! God bless you! 🙂 
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I recently had the opportunity to have my mind analyzed, and it was an incredibly insightful experience. The best part was gaining a fresh perspective on my thought processes. I didn't find anything to dislike about the service; it was all very useful to me. The insights I gained felt as valuable as multiple counseling sessions. This service would be highly beneficial for therapists and life coaches to better understand their clients. It's a unique offering, and I've even referred someone who I believe could also benefit from it.
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I suggest you give this a try. I finally have a sense of how to start helping myself. I don't want to say "improve," but isn't there always a part of us that wants to become a better person? I won't lie, it might be difficult to delve into yourself. But take a chance, take this opportunity to find a path through the darkness. I have no regrets. I’m amazed at how he was able to analyze my behavior in such depth and detail from just one story I wrote about myself…. I can’t disagree or argue with any of it. I was even more amazed at how accurately he described my mom with the little information I gave him. Unreal.